Müller, J.A., Schäffler, N., Kellerer, T., Schwake, G., Ligon, T.S. und J.O. Rädler (2024):
Kinetics of RNA-LNP Delivery and Protein Expression. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 114222 (peer reviewed).
Kellerer, T., Sailer, B., Byers, P., Barnkob, R., Hayden, O. und T. Hellerer (2024):
Two-Photon Microscopy of Acoustofluidic Trapping for Highly Sensitive Cell Analysis. Lab on a Chip (peer reviewed).
Byers, P., Kellerer, T., Li, M., Chen, Z., Huser, T. und T. Hellerer (2024):
Super-Resolution Upgrade for Deep Tissue Imaging Featuring Easy Implementation. (Submitted to Nature Communication) (peer reviewed).
Byers, P., Kellerer, T., Huser, T. und T. Hellerer (2024):
Two-Photon Line-Scanning Structured Illumination Microscopy (LIL-SIM) for Super-Resolution Imagingin Deep Tissue. In BIO Web of Conferences (Vol. 129, p. 15002). EDP Sciences.
Kellerer, T., Grawert, T., Schorre, F., Moser, L., Byers, P., Rädler, J. und T. Hellerer (2024):
An Image-Based Real-Time 3D Particle Tracking Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscope to Follow Lipid Nanoparticles. In Microscopy Histopathology and Analytics (pp. MM5A-6). Optica Publishing Group.
Kellerer, T., Janusch, J., Moser, L., Grawert, T., Byers, P., Spellauge, T., Rädler, J. und T. Hellerer (2024):
Rigorous Investigation and Comparison of Different Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) Techniques Analyzed Using the Phasor Plot. Proc. SPIE 12847, Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XXIV, 128470O.
Stöberl, S., Balles, M., Kellerer, T., & J. O. Rädler (2023):
Photolithographic microfabrication of hydrogel clefts for cell invasion studies. Lab on a Chip, 23(7), 1886-1895.
-> peer reviewed
Kellerer, T., Janusch, J. Freymüller, C., Rühm, A., Sroka, R. and T. Hellerer (2022):
Comprehensive Investigation of Parameters Influencing Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy in Frequency- and Time-Domain Illustrated by Phasor Plot Analysis , Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 15885.
www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/23/24/15885. Peer Review und open access paper.
Polzer, C., Ness, S., Mohseni, M., Kellerer, T., Hilleringmann M. und T. Hellerer (2019):
Correlative two-color-two-photon (2C2P) excitation STED-Microscopy.Biomedical Optics Express.
Schulz T. und T. Kellerer (2017):
Lern Dich Glücklich! - Lernen mit Lernfreude ein Leben lang (Books on Demand, ISBN-10: 374125293X).
Sroka, R., Ruehm, A., Stepp, H., Kellerer, T. et al. (2017):
Research and developments of laser assisted methods for translation into clinical,“ Frontiers of Optoelectronics.
Kellerer, A., Schulz T. und T. Kellerer (2016):
Die Allmacht digitaler Ablenkung? - Ein Konzentrationstraining für Mint Fächer. (Books on Demand, ISBN-10: 3739243538).
Präsentationen und Poster
Kellerer, T. und T. Hellerer (2024):
SEMPA-Track: Spectrally Encoded Multiphoton Particle Tracking, BMBF.
Kellerer, T., Moser, L., Janusch, J., Byers, P., Rädler, J. und T. Hellerer (2024):
Advancements in FLIM: Comparative Analysis and New Methods for High-Resolution, Rapid Microenvironmental Imaging, ICOB 2024.
Kellerer, T., Janusch, J., Moser, L., Byers, P., Spellauge, T., Rädler, J. und T. Hellerer (2024):
Rigorous Investigation of Influences on Fluorescence Lifetime Measured with Three Different FLIM Techniques and Analyzed Using the Phasor Plot, SPIE.
Kellerer T. (2024):
“SEMPA-Track: Spectrally Encoded Multiphoton Particle Tracking Microscopy” Focus On Microscopy, 2024, Genua, Italy
Kellerer T. (2024):
“An Image Based Real-Time 3D Particle Tracking Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscope to Follow Lipid Nanoparticles” Optica Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics 2024, Fort Lauderdale, USA.
Kirchmaier, B., Müller, J., Kellerer, T. & J. Rädler (2023):
Quantification of mRNA and siRNA Content of Lipid Nanoparticles Using Fluorescence Correltaion Spectroscopy, CeNS/SFB1032 Workshop.
Lehertshuber, C. A., Jia, S., Rudolph, M., Lorentschk, M., Li, S., Kellerer, T., Romer, A., Bauer, S., Moggio, A., Sager, H., Scheidt, M. von, Clausen-Schaumann, H., Kessler, T., Sudhop, S., Schunkert, H. & Z. Chen (2023):
Tissue Engineering Of A Three-layered Artery, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2023;43:A495.
Kellerer, T., Schorre, F., Rädler, J. und T. Hellerer (2022):
Development of a Novel Time-Resolved Tracking Microscopy to Track Intracellular Release of Nucleic Acid by Lipid Nanoparticles, BayWISS Verbundtreff, München.
Sailer B., Kellerer T., Barnkob R., Hellerer T. und O. Hayden (2021):
MicroTAS, Hybrid, Poster Presentation No. W4B-510.c.
Kellerer T. (2018):
Fibre Laser based Two-photon Multimodal STED Microscope (Heidelberg, Labeling and Nanoscopy).