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Double Success at the BayWISS Prize for the Joint Academic Partnership Health

© BayWISS, Sabine Fütterer-Akili '

The Joint Academic Partnership Health achieved a great success at this year's prize for outstanding or future-oriented research in individual scientific fields.

Two of the three award winners are members in the Joint Academic Partnership Health and were awarded their prizes at this year's BayWISS Annual Colloquium held on 25 September 2024 at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

Third place went to Thomas Kellerer, whose doctoral project deals with "Funktionelle 2C2P-STED Messungen endosomaler Fusionsprozesse".

Jonathan Ganz, who is conducting research on "Computergestützte Tumordiagnose mit Deep-Learning" was honoured with first place.


More detailed information on the award winners and their research can be found here.

A review of this year's BayWISS Annual Colloquium can be found here.


Get in contact with us. We look forward to receiving your questions and suggestions on the Joint Academic Partnership Health.

Dr. Sabine Fütterer-Akili

Dr. Sabine Fütterer-Akili

Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Gesundheit und BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Economics and Business

Universität Regensburg
Zentrum zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg

Telephone: +49 941 9435548
gesundheit.vk [ at ] baywiss.de