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09.12.2024 / 17:54 Uhr

Workshop Project Management in Science on 9 December 2024 (online)

Date: 09 December 2024

Place: online

Coach/Trainer:  Prof. Dr. Annette Kolb, Coachademics

Workshop description:

Scientific projects today are characterized by a high degree of complexity and planning uncertainty. Young scientists are often confronted with seemingly insurmountable hurdles at the beginning of a project (for example, an honors project or later at the beginning of a PhD) and not infrequently questions arise such as for example:

  • How do I find the right topic?
  • How do I work on the topic as efficiently as possible?
  • How much independence is expected of me?
  • How much risk is allowed?
  • When can I say my project goal has been achieved?

Sound project management can help to eliminate these uncertainties and lead to competent project work.

The workshop is aimed at students and young academics who would like to plan their projects stringently. It teaches the basics of scientific work and project management in science and offers methods for initiating, planning and structuring a project. Participants have the opportunity to create their own individual project plan.
Methods will include a mixture of theoretic input as well as individual, partner and group exercises.

Workshop language is English. The workshop will be conducted online.


Registering is possible under this link  until at the latest 15 October 2024.


Get in contact with us. We look forward to receiving your questions and suggestions on the Joint Academic Partnership Health.

Dr. Sabine Fütterer-Akili

Dr. Sabine Fütterer-Akili

Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Gesundheit und BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Economics and Business

Universität Regensburg
Zentrum zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg

Telephone: +49 941 9435548
gesundheit.vk [ at ] baywiss.de