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BayWISS-Kolleg Health www.baywiss.de

For researchers from all over Bavaria Platform and network

© Universität Regensburg, BayWISS VK Gesundheit, Fotografin Frau Rita Modl '


Our BayWISS Joint Academic Partnership is a platform and network for both young and experienced researchers alike, and strengthens the culture of academic exchange between universities of applied sciences and universities – throughout Bavaria.

We promote doctoral candidates' personal development, provide a structured path towards gaining their doctorate and ensure academic quality:


  • BayWISS supervision agreement clarifies the supervision situation, mutual expectations, and milestones during the doctoral process.
  • systematic introduction to the Scientific Community through external and internal network events and access to the Joint Academic Partnership universities´ graduate programmes (more on our events)
  • exclusive platform for doctoral candidates (e.g. seminars, lecture series, symposia, training courses) can be jointly developed in a proactive and needs-oriented way
  • financial support for travel costs, training, publications, conferences, workshops, participation fees, project-specific equipment, and printing costs where necessary.

  • Advice and organisational support by our coordinator

We look forward to new members!

Key components of the BayWISS "Verbundpromotion":

  • university and university of applied sciences professors jointly and equally provide supervision and expert opinions on the doctorate
  • no additional entrance hurdles according to type of university
  • no differentiation in the doctoral degree according to academic origin
  • name of supervising university of applied sciences on the university doctoral certificate

Upcoming events and important dates

© Miguel Á. Padriñán / pexels / pexels.com'

BayWISS JAP Health

Save the Date: 8. Netzwerktreffen des Verbundkollegs Gesundheit


Get in contact with us. We look forward to receiving your questions and suggestions on the Joint Academic Partnership Health.

Dr. Sabine Fütterer-Akili

Dr. Sabine Fütterer-Akili

Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Gesundheit und BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Economics and Business

Universität Regensburg
Zentrum zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg

Telephone: +49 941 9435548
gesundheit.vk [ at ] baywiss.de